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Summertime Washing Advice: How to Get Sand Out of Your Clothing Properly

Posted by Patricia Spencer on
Summertime Washing Advice: How to Get Sand Out of Your Clothing Properly


There’s nothing like a day at the beach on a hot summer morning or afternoon, spending hours in the sand and the sun while dipping our feet into the water.  The beach inspires such feelings of joy and relaxation that many of us wish we could bring it back home with us.  Well, as it turns out, some of us do, in the form of sand that gets all over our clothing.

Thankfully, with the right all natural home products, like naturally-derived detergent and dryer balls available at Grab Green Home, you can rid that pesky sand out of any clothing item without introducing chemicals and other harsh ingredients into your space.

Getting Rid of Sand in Clothes: Our Favorite Methods and Tips

Sand is annoying – there’s no denying that – but the good news is that it doesn’t leave a stain, and the grains are large enough that they’re easy to get rid of with some simple methods and techniques.

Shake It Up

After a day at the beach, it’s safe to assume that every member of the household is bringing some sand back with them.  So, before you even get into the car to go home, encourage everyone to shake the sand off as much as possible, from head to toe.

If the beach has a shower available, have your family each take a quick shower to get excess sand off their skin before it even gets onto clothing.

It’s Time for Some Laundry (With Natural Cleaning Products, of Course)

Now, as soon as you get home, throw the clothes into the wash – that is, before sand gets into every nook and cranny of your home.  We recommend using organic laundry pods, like our 3 in 1 Laundry Detergent Pods, which is the best laundry detergent for sensitive skin.  Alternatively, you can use natural laundry powder.  Then, run a dryer cycle using natural dryer sheets, or dryer balls, and after taking the clothing out, run another dryer cycle on empty since there will be sand left in your dryer.

Because sand can get everywhere, we recommend washing everything, including clothing items, towels and beach bags if they can be thrown into the wash.  Bathing suits may need to be washed by hand, so that they don’t stretch out, in which case you’ll want to move onto our next step.

Wash Your Bathing Suits by Hand

Many bathing suit materials require hand-washing, and the good news is that you can get sand out through hand-washing just as well as you can when using the machine.  Fill a bucket with warm water and a natural laundry detergent, and swish the water around.  Then, swirl the bathing suits around in the water for about 5 minutes, before rinsing them thoroughly using cool water and hanging them to dry.  Again, try to stick to using non-toxic cleaning products to avoid any harsh ingredients that can irritate sensitive skin.

Once you’ve followed these tips, it’s a good idea to do a once-over with a vacuum throughout the house to make sure sand hasn’t sprinkled anywhere, which would cause it to get back onto your clothes after you’ve just cleaned them successfully. 

Sand Can Get into Everything, Including Your Favorite Clothes

Because of the nature of sand, the sooner you act, the better.  So, once you get home from a relaxing day at the beach, it’s time to put a little work into getting those clothes clean and sand-free as soon as possible, before the sand gets into other spaces of your home.  With naturally-derived cleaning products that you already have lying around, you’ll be able to tackle sandy clothing in no time.

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